INDIANAPOLIS — The rollout of new ramp meters along I-465 got off to a rocky start on Tuesday after INDOT discovered that drivers were not triggering the meters' sensors and in turn causing backups.
The agency pulled the plug on the meters to alleviate the backups for the morning commute, but they were back up and running for the evening drive home.
INDOT said drivers have to drive up to the thick, white line in order for the system to know they're waiting to merge. If they don't, the light will stay red and cause backups.
Temporary billboards were put up at several of the meters to instruct drivers to scoot up.
"I think just like the roundabouts, it'll take time for people to get used to it," said driver Emily Fuller. "But once they're used to them, I don't think it'll be a thing."
The meters are being used at the on-ramps on the southeast section of I-465. Those include Washington Street, Brookville Road, Shadeland Avenue, Southeastern Avenue and Emerson Avenue.
INDOT said the goal is to improve safety in areas that see a lot of commuters, traffic and speeding.
"There are a lot of ramps in a short little corner of 465," agency spokesperson Kyleigh Cramer said. "So with all of that, we really have seen a trend of merging patterns that aren’t so safe."
The meters only activate when there's heavy traffic. Drivers will get a green light to merge onto the interstate with the goal of spacing everyone out and easing congestion.
When they're not activated, the lights will flash yellow.
"It does help so it's not like seven cars coming right into one little spot," Fuller said.
Some drivers expressed their annoyance at the new system on its first day. Others said if it improves safety then they're okay with it.
"I think it's safe to just keep it moving slowly. Don't have people rushing through all the time. I think it's better just to keep everybody on a slow pace," driver Parm Saini said. "I don't have a problem with it. If it's traffic it's traffic. Just gotta deal with it."
INDOT said the meters are being tested right now and could be expanded to other areas if things go well.