BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Bloomington City Council members could see raises of more than double their current salaries next year but the proposal on the table has already led to strong backlash and reconsideration.
Right now, council members take home $21,153 annually for the part-time position. In front of them is an ordinance that would bump it up to $45,423 – an increase of 115%.
"It's tone-deaf. It's just, I think, wrong," said council member Isak Nti Asare. "It’s absurd. I don’t think that people should be raising our own salaries during the term that we’re serving. And even if we do, I think that should reflect the realities of the people we serve and represent.”
Council member Nti Asare is against the proposal - which, if approved, would make them the highest-paid city council members in the state.
"I would've done this for free. We want to be here to help the community. That's why we run for office," Asare added. "Right now, the average household income is essentially what it is they’re proposing we make for a part-time job. That doesn’t seem equitable in any way.”
Four members make up the committee tasked with setting elected officials' salaries moving forward. They also suggested a $42,780 raise for the clerk, and bringing Mayor Kerry Thomson from $138,031 to $151,410.
"I understand why people are upset," said council member Sydney Zulich. “I just want to assure everyone that I’m not interested in going through with something that is this controversial, that hurts this many people.”
Zulich is head of the salary committee and said they considered several "guiding principles." These included accessibility of public service, equitable pay, quality community service, informed decisions and transparent and documented process.
“Being a really young council member, it gives me a different perspective," Zulich said. "I’m not embarrassed to say maybe this wasn’t the best choice. And that’s why we have 10 days to really get public feedback.”
Zulich said they'll be working on an amendment over the weekend which will likely reduce the raise for herself and her colleagues considerably.
"It's okay to get it wrong," Zulich added. "Especially before it comes to a vote. That's the time to get it wrong so you have the time to fix it."
Council members will discuss salaries in a special meeting next Tuesday, Dec. 10, and again during a regular session meeting on the 11th.